Thursday, 23 December 2021


How Long Will I wait for you? Hey there... where do I begin? How about Hello?...I have waited an eternity to see you. God keeps saying soon and very soon. Don't know if he means the next five minutes, five hours, five days, five months or five years. All I'm certain of right now is I crave you... sometimes hopelessly. God Isn't sadistic in letting me have cravings I can't satiate. He knew beforehand that I need you; Evidenced by what He said in Genesis 2:18 "And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him." Perhaps He delayed our appointment so that by the time we meet, our thirst for each other would be right and deep. After all, the longer the wait, the sweeter the reward. I wonder how much longer I must wait. Patience is a virtue I have in scarcity. But I understand good things come to those who wait. Well I certainly wouldn't want a half-baked marriage… that said… how much longer must I wait???.............. My patience muscles are exasperated and lactic acid is accumulating; therefore it takes just but a straw to break the back of this overloaded camel. I need to be perfectly sincere here… I am convinced you and your kind are a peculiar species. No one really knows what ladies want. You may state one desire, then by the time its granted you, it had already changed to something else. My head nearly exploded trying to get to the bottom of your hearts. God is probably the only person who does know what lies in you. After all, He put you together. He has the blueprint. What perturbs me the most isn't your bewildering attributes, but rather the fact that I'm attracted to your kind… That is scary. werewolf yeti Yeti,Werewolves and Vampires.... The only evidence of their existence is their non-existence. Perhaps the authors of these tales were secretly alluding to godly women and their scarcity; perhaps... maybe...just maybe, these myths came to birth because these lunatics had higher chances finding Count Dracula than a godly woman. There remains in me a small speck of hope;however microscopic, its still hope.... I know you do exist. I've probably met you. It could be we've conversed before. We may have already met but have no idea how our story begins and ends. After all, I'm not the author of my own script. God is. When I do meet you, I hope I can give a good account of my life before you. I can't guarantee you perfection; neither can you. The Great Book says "Love covers a multitude of sins"(1 Peter 4:8).I don't need to elaborate all my mistakes, but I confess the worst mistake I ever made was to believe you'd never arrive. This was the herald of all my other sins. All other offences were but horses drawing the chariot of unbelief. At some point I resolved to chastity, considering the words of Paul in 1Corinthians 7:8where he said " Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do."... Elijah There remains a vacuum in me. Avoidance isn't the solution. Patience is. I actually need you. You wouldn't be an obstacle standing between me and my destiny, but rather a stepping stone that takes me closer to purpose. God created Adam for Eve and Eve for Adam. But most Importantly He created them both to show the entire universe His attributes. The union between man and woman escapes expression. They wanted each other though they knew it not.This takes me back to the scene in the garden of Eden, when Adam beheld the entire creation. Each species male and female; all but himself. He didn't even know he was lonely but he was. He had no opposite; no friend like himself. No partner. Adam was stranger to this realm.These parameters of time were a new concept. He felt urges that he couldn't quite comprehend. He knew something was amiss. Then God, having known the depth of the matter, put Adam into a deep sleep and performed Earth's first Surgery...... Adam awoke to a scene he would never forget. Lo and behold!......THE FIRST FEMALE HUMAN!!!! There she stood, fresh from the bakery. Made in the very image of God. There are no words that could adequately depict Adams reaction. But his knees must have caved in. His adrenal glands sent forth adrenalin into his bloodstream for the first time in his existence. His eyelids drooped in weakness and his whole world came to a standstill. The birds stopped singing. The dogs stopped barking. The pigs stopped squealing. The fish stopped swimming. Adam wasn't the only one perplexed it seems. Adam must have questioned God regarding his reactions. Adam finally got hold of his senses and stared properly at this work of art. The sequence of Fibonacci dictated her architecture: Perfect symmetry. Perfect feminine eyes, a graceful jaw, moist lips, perfect bust, perfect carrying angle of the arms which had to deviate to give way for her hips. Adam had trouble trying to fathom why these features were driving a charade of neurobiological responses in his body. Her skin glowed, and fat was distributed 'in the right places' . God authored biology and physics to utter perfection; he knew that Adam's masculinity needed to be complemented by softness, gentleness and tenderness, both within and without. Adam called her Woman, and saw that it was good. I am Adams descendant, as you are Eve's. A lot has happened since the fall of mankind. Though Lucifer outwitted us, he was never able to destroy us completely.there remains in us a defense mechanism; it entails hatred for that snake responsible for all the murder and strife earth has witnessed. We may have been exiled from Eden, but we left with one thing from that paradise--- COMPANIONSHIP--- Marriage is a little taste of what heaven is like; though it comes with lightening and thunder. It is among the few reminders of where we are headed...and a constant reminder of what our Maker intended for us. Our race may have disappointed him, but I thank Him for not giving up on us. In fact He went yonder tolerance to taking us as we are. Our maker taught me a innumerable lessons from His death on the cross, chief among them is patience and sacrifice.. Our maker came here in the flesh and was called 'a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief'... Isaiah 53:3 says of Him,"He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem." .... After our race rejected him, He had to die for that very generation. It simply makes no sense to show love and sacrifice to a wicked, perverse people; but He did anyway.... because He loved us. That ladies and gentlemen is patience. That is sacrifice. I therefore choose to extend you the same patience and sacrifice that was shown to me. In turn, I pray you will wait for me patiently, just as I patiently wait for you. And when I finally meet you, I shall behold you with the same enthusiasm and wonder as when Adam beheld Eve. I pray you may exercise wisdom and discernment, enough to recognize me when you see me, just as I would recognize you... I pray you may be watchful not to taste forbidden waters, just as I will not taste them. I will wait for you and will not taste them with another. I will wait for you, just as Abraham waited for Isaac; just as Hannah waited for Samuel. The Great Book says of Christ,"Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy."(1Peter 1:8). It is my belief that if God is making me wait this long, you must be under construction. The result of friction,pain,endurance, and patience is the Proverbs 31 type of woman. In that case, you are worth waiting for. All said, I have one last query.... HOW LONG WILL I WAIT FOR YOU???

Wednesday, 22 December 2021

What Is Happening

Hello friends,

Its been a while since I said anything. Ive simply been waiting to be compelled to write something. If we simply sit there and wait work might never come. we need to be proactive with the work of salvation.

Im going through a phase in my spiritual life. a phase of waiting. I have no option but to wait on The LORD.

People are dying. I know fallen Angels are being judged by the saints. The investigative judgement is real. Lucifer( Pussyfart) has hemorrhoids. He has no phallus; and is bleeding incessantly from the mortal wound he sustained when he crucified Jesus on the cross of Calvary. He can't stop the hands of time. Neither can he abate the inevitable damnation. He hastens to and fro, causing people to look at God as an angry, vengeful tyrant. He hopes for your sympathies. Brethren, DO NOT SYMPATHIZE. Awake from your slumber and stand your ground. Stand up for Jesus; the faultless one who died to save you. Don't be afraid. God is