Saturday, 2 July 2016


I am a prisoner of words unsaid. They aren’t pleasant. They are difficult to utter. They are bitter. God is angry with the world. This time round it comes with consequences more dire than in previous times.

God is tired of seeing hypocrites preaching on pulpits. He is tired of the godless leading the Godly. He is tired of the slavery Babylon has imposed upon his people, and now, like Moses before Pharaoh, he pleads ,”Let my people go.”

God is fed up with the molestation of his sons and daughters. He is tired of chronic incessant prayers that utter the same complaint day in day out. He is tired of the Spiritual stagnation of His people because of Babylon(Our world, and all its institutions in all spheres including educational, Military, Government, Civil, financial and many more)…. Ladies and gentlemen, this false reality we call earth is about to end. Those who feed off it are about to be starved. Those who recharge off it are about to be drained. Those who thrive off it are about to fail.
“Who shall stand in the day of HIS coming? Who shall stand when he appears?" Malachi 3:2

“Jesus is coming; and will he find a people conformed to the world? And will He acknowledge these as His people that He has purified unto Himself? Oh, no. None but the pure and holy will he acknowledge as His. Those who have been purified and made white through suffering, and have kept themselves separate, unspotted from the world, He will own as His. As I saw the dreadful fact that God’s professed people were conformed to the world, with no distinction, except in name, between many of the professed disciples of the meek and lowly Jesus and unbelievers, my soul felt deep anguish. I saw that Jesus was wounded and put to an open shame. Said the Angel, as with sorrow he saw the professed people of God loving the world , partaking of its spirit, and following its fashions: “Cut loose! Cut loose! Lest He appoint you your portion with hypocrites and unbelievers outside the City. Your profession will only cause you greater anguish, and your punishment will be greater because you knew His will, but did it not.”-Testimonies to the Church vol.1.   pg 133

Ladies and gentlemen, the conclusion to this Great controversy between Christ and Satan continues in a crescendo as it draws to its final conclusion. Prophetic events shall unfold in quick succession unlike in the past and sooner or later, the man of sin shall be revealed. Preparations for his arrival are underway as the world watches, ignorant of what is happening around them because everyone is busy doing nothing and engaging in transactions that will not save their souls or anothers. WAKE UP!!! WAKE UP!!!

 Hollywood has given you glowing, glittery images of Lucifer in the name of Superman(especially him), and Optimus Prime to mention a few. The actors acting are possessed by the actual demons they are desperately trying to glorify, so that when they reveal themselves in our world, we will accept them(PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING). Here’s what he ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE…

“I was shown Satan as he once was, a happy, exalted angel. Then I was shown him as he now is. He still bears a kingly form. His features are still noble, for he is an angel fallen. But the expression of his countenance is full of anxiety, care, unhappiness, malice, hate, mischief, deceit, and every evil. That brow which was once so noble, I particularly noticed. His forehead commenced from his eyes to recede. I saw that he had so long bent himself to evil that every good quality was debased, and every evil trait was developed. His eyes were cunning, sly, and showed great penetration. His frame was large, but the flesh hung loosely about his hands and face. As I beheld him, his chin was resting upon his left hand. He appeared to be in deep thought. A smile was upon his countenance, which made me tremble, it was so full of evil and satanic slyness. This smile is the one he wears just before he makes sure of his victim, and as he fastens the victim in his snare, this smile grows horrible.”Pg 279-280  Yesterday, today and forever.

 Don’t die with the enemy Ladies and gentlemen. God is Love. He sent His son Jesus Christ and as long as you draw breath; as long as your heart beats and you can hear this message, then you have a chance. Please…. Cut loose. And “Fear not him that can harm the body, but fear Them that can harm both body and soul in Hell.” Fear no one but The LORD God Almighty. Peace be with you.

Thursday, 30 June 2016

Im tired Lord. Im tired.

Lord God almighty, the journey is too heavy for me. perhaps you have allowed me to have a taste of what you went through." Jesus Wept".... and I am weeping. I am weeping for the ignorance the world has been kept in. I am weeping for all the souls that will not come to the fountain of life. I am weeping for my family. I am in agony.

Only love can destroy the devil. Only love can break a heart to innumerable pieces. Only love can destroy a human being and cause him to cease to exist. A loving God is on His way, to do the thing a loving God would do; to cleanse this earth for the creatures that He loves. Are you ready for His coming?

Wednesday, 22 June 2016



Life is short but full of trouble. Life is painful, yet a merciful God ordained that this pain not be in vain. The suffering He created not; sin did, and the father of wickedness. Sin and suffering have the same birthday. They both began when Satan became Satan. We often wonder when perplexity hits us if and when our suffering shall ever end. It seems  so heavy and indefinite. Well, Good News; it shall all come to an end. Suffering doesn’t last forever.
As I write this I am suffering. I am enduring persecution and I cannot describe adequately what it looks or feels like. The worst kind of persecution is that from the one you love, like a family member. You are victimized because you can tell no one but Jesus. That said, I have come to the realization that perhaps Christ is all you need at this hour of trial.
My first reaction to my persecution was anger. I am Kisii. I fear my own anger and my apparent inability to cool down. I fear what I might do to those chronic elements that make me ever so hopeless, those elements that kill my spirit. Those elements that failed me and failed themselves and above all, God. These elements are people, urged on by the Devil and his angels. There is a war going on between good and evil. We are not merely in the crossfire, but we are to pick a side in this great scheme of things. “He that is not with me is against me.”
If you have chosen to be with Christ, congratulations!  You are on the path to heaven. I urge you to stay that path, to the very end, where He will give you a crown of life. The devil however will try to throw his darkness athwart your path that if possible, he may obscure the hope that lies before you. He has but a short time and wants to perish with as many as he can. He is suicidal and homicidal. He comes masquerading as an angel of light because he is a deceiver. I write this not because I love him, but so that you may see him when he comes. “Fear not him who can harm the flesh, but fear him who can harm both body and soul in hell.” Fear not the inconvenience. Don’t fear his fear. Loose all self-preservation, shrink not from death, and yield not a yard to him. He is defeated. Does Christ fear a war He has already conquered? NO. So don’t be afraid. Only believe.
“In the last days, the love of many will grow cold.” We live in a cold world. But I thank God for His sanctuary where we may come and partake of the warmth and love of Heaven, where we may defrost our callousness. I urge my brethren to be warm and kind to one another, because that way, the love of Christ may be complete in all of us. The world is cold enough. Let us be willing to share our testimonies and a reason for our faith. I am more encouraged to hear that someone somewhere is acquainted with my suffering, that I am not alone in it all. “Your brethren throughout the world are going through the same kind of troubles.” 1 Peter 5:9
Good news, it all comes to an end. “And He shall wipe away every tear from their eyes.” Rev 21:4

Here is how it ends.
The Final Judgment
13The sea gave up its dead, and Death and Hades gave up their dead, and each one was judged according to his deeds. 14Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death —the lake of fire. 15And if anyone was found whose name was not written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” Rev 20:13-15 . All the sin and suffering is heaped upon the originator of it all, the Devil. Sin shall be no more. Death shall be no more. There shall be no more sorrow. “The sun shall no longer beat down on their foreheads.” Rev 22:5
Ellen White writes, “The sufferings those Christians endured drove them closer to the Lord, and led them to  love one another, and caused them to fear more than ever to offend him.”  Spiritual Gifts pg 103-104

Sometimes I worry who will read this. I wonder as I type. I choose to worry not either way, for I serve the overseer of all knowledge and He will see to it that  His children get the message. I pray for your peace and your well-being, not just physical but spiritual. I pray that you may have hope in the midst of your suffering. I pray That God will guide you and show you His tender mercies. I pray that you will Rejoice in the midst of your suffering for it is not in vain. I pray that you remember, “Great is your reward in Heaven.” May God be with you. May Heaven shine their light upon you and light your path as you walk the narrow path to heaven. And finally, when we get Home, we shall sing, “Glory Allelluia!” and Christ Jesus shall bid us, “ Well done, my good and faithful servant. Enter into my rest prepared for you.” Amen.