Hello beloved reader of my blog, I'm about to embark on a topic who's discussion may last a lifetime, and as we wade through these waters, someones mind may be changed. Another shall be more convinced than ever that Adventism is the way to go and yet again, someone may be galvanised all the more against this faith. Please keep an open mind, an open Bible and an open dictionary as you go through this article. I'll do my best to get to the point. I don't enjoy overwhelming you with vast quantities of words and scripture which will smother the intentions of my message,which is to bring more people to Christ and to the truth. The Bible says,"Come, let us reason together: Says The LORD...." (Isaiah 1:18). I'm glad you opened this page. Isaiah 56:1-2 KJV
[1] … Thus saith the LORD, Keep ye judgment, a and do justice: b for my salvation is near c to come, and my righteousness to be revealed. [2] Blessed is the man that doeth this, and the son of man that layeth hold on it; that keepeth the d sabbath from polluting it, and keepeth his hand from doing any evil. …
I'm here to testify why I'm a Seventh Day Adventist.
I'm a man hungry for the truth. In my early days in the faith, I was fed with spiritual milk; that is to say, I was taught the basics of God's love, the basis of our existence and where we are headed. I learnt a great deal as a new convert, and my walk is a spiralling staircase that moves ever upwards. The obstacles in my way are but stepping stones,not obstacles, that lie between me and my destination.Every man has his errors, But I take refuge in the Blood of Christ which was shed to save my kind. However, as time went by, my walk became much more complex, far beyond the early days. I started to notice that my spiritual appetites increased from merely wanting to live a godly life to wanting to tell others of this great treasure that I found in Christ Jesus.
As time went by, I started to feel a dilution of Gospel truths because there is much more to the gospel than being godly and successful; and this seemed to be all some people were interested in. I also noticed the good and the bad;what God has done in peoples lives and what Satan has done as well. I started to notice slight deviations in the gospels being preached by various churches. I couldn't bury my head in the soil. There was a stain on my conscience that avoidance could not cure. I then dug deeper and read my Bible even more. And I noticed the devil had managed to infiltrate some churches to some extent. I'm not saying that all non-Adventists are of the devil>>that is bigotry. Adventists aren't against people, but against instituted lies that enslave people. God has people in All denominations, but I believe that some have succumbed to deceptions described in 2 Timothy 4:3-4 which says,"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts they shall heap to themselves teachers,having itching ears; And they shall turn their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables" (KJV). The devil loves it when this happens, because he can now confidently argue with a non-believer and convince him that Christianity is a warped religion full of denominations and confusion(which I know to be a lie). I can tell you that the difference between these churches is how much Romanism they clung to and how much they let go of after the great reformation by Martin Luther and company. The Seventh day Adventist Church has let go of all the false teachings, including the worship on Sunday (which was changed from Saturday by the Roman catholic Church).
We live in an age of Mega churches. Where Pastors have deviated from speaking the whole truth to giving mere motivational pep talks that have everything to do with nothing. In an age where the signs of Christs inevitable return are blatant, we need a leadership that shall proclaim the Three Angels' Message in Revelations 14. Which says in Summary;
In these perilous times of war, famine, strife,depression,disease and death, we need to hear more of Christ's salvation and coming; that our suffering is not in vain. Brethren we need to hear the truth in this age of deception. We need to hear of God's pardoning grace in this age of sin; where souls long to be free of its power. We need to preach and teach what The Lord said, not some fancy,warped theological theory conjured from the mind of a man. Where souls ache and crave love and affection, they should be pointed to the Author of Love! Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We need to preach God's Holiness also. We need the truth beloved. ALL of it. That said, I must tell you that faith isn't foolishness. You,dear reader, need to THINK. You need to be rooted in the word of God and open your eyes. You need to analyse the inclination of the doctrines being taught in your church; whether it emphasises on worldly success or leans towards success in the eyes of heaven. Whether it says 'live your best life now' or 'carry your cross and follow Jesus'.
In Summary, here's EXACTLY why I'm an Adventist.
I love the fact that we lack these Cult-of-personality figures such as Joel Osteen or T.D. Jakes, who's words are given more credit than the word of God by their congregations (and they sure know how to make you feel good). I know every market has a mad man, but the demographics are in favour of the Adventists. In these dark ages, we need to reach to peoples minds and not their emotions. We need to encourage people to think more than they feel, because feelings are as fleeting as the wind, yet thoughts become beliefs; beliefs become faith and faith yields actions, and actions become habits, and habits yield character, which when tested by strife, is solid and unwavering.
2. We aren't afraid to call sin by its name.
Cry aloud, spare a not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew b my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins(ISAIAH 58:1).The SDA church preaches the truth in love. If you truly love someone, I believe you'd tell him the truth rather than flatter him with sweet nothings. God disciplines those he loves. In fact, the very act of disciplining your children is a form of love. The Bible says,"..The Lord disciplines the one He loves, and he chastens the one He accepts as His son" Hebrews 12:6.
Ladies and gentlemen, God is Love. But we forget that God is just. God is Holy. I've been to churches where all people preach is God's love, with a biased inclination, and the effect of that is the misrepresentation of God as this big, fluffy teddy bear that just wants to kiss and hug. It reduces the Majesty and Glory of God. We must balance God's love with God's Holiness; God's Mercy with God's Justice. The Bible says,"But who can endure the day of His coming? Who can stand when He appears?For He will be like a refiners fire, or a launderer's soap" Malachi 3:2. In the presence of God's Glory, all darkness flees. Take note; it is the light that displaces the darkness, because the darkness is subject to the light; and the darkness is the absence of light. Because where there is darkness, there is fear and confusion. We have been called to be a light unto the world in this dark age (Matthew 5:14-16).
My great friend Ernest Wamboye once said," Don't shout at the darkness.Instead, be a light in that darkness and people will follow the light and glorify God." I agreed. I just wanted to add ISAIAH 58:1;that there are people in that darkness who are so entrenched there, they need shouting at. Because the devil is shouting aloud, we may as well stop whispering the truth and shout it. We need to proclaim the Gospel clearly and aloud like the Angels in Revelations 14 because there are many false leads. The devil also transforms himself into an angel of light, and we need to identify these false leads when we see them so we may stop people from heading the wrong direction; that is the basis for pointing out falsehood within the church; not because we enjoy fault-finding, but because we want people to follow the real light of the world which is Jesus Christ.
3. The SDA Church has ALL the Hallmarks of the Remnant Church described in Revelations.
Yes. I said it. To summarize what I mean by this, please watch the following sermon. Here is the link
Well, Just in case you couldn't go through it all, let me explain.
Regarding the three angels' messages typed above from Revelations chapter 14, I would like you to remember that this world is coming to an end;much sooner than we think. I'm not one of those dooms-day fanatics who try to predict the worlds end with mathematical specificity, because we all know what the Bible says. No one knows the day or the hour; neither the angels in heaven nor the son, but only the Father (Matthew 24:36). That said, Jesus did give us The signs of the end times in Matthew 24:3-14. Wars and rumours of wars, famines, earthquakes, nations rising against nations, persecution of saints and hatred of them because of their testimonies, false prophets,betrayal and deviations from the true faith have already happened and are happening before our very eyes. As a christian, it would be extremely diabolical to ignore this truth.
What should capture your attention is verse 14 which says,"And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, then the end will come."…
The Adventist Church has gone out to the ends of the world to preach the gospel; to every Kindred, tongue and Nation! ADRA has done so much and has partnered with so many organisations to bring relief to the suffering. The SDA church has ministered to the broken hearted, the sick, the dying, the hungry, the downtrodden, the motherless, the fatherless, the prostitute>>> to each and every group imaginable; and guess what, We are just beginning! This missionary work must be undertaken by the church during the last days.
Well someone may argue that the law was done away with, and that keeping it is salvation by works. Well, My Bible tells me in Matthew 5:18,"For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished."Therefore, The Law still stands.
Ellen G.White and a group of reformers noticed something fishy. Ever since the great reformation the previous century, many churches had mushroomed. And the Protestant movement had done well to shun heresies, but had forgotten one very important thing, THE DAY OF WORSHIP, In Keeping with the fourth commandment in Exodus 20:8-11 which says,"8 i“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 jSix days you shall labour, and do all your work, 10 but the kseventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the lsojourner who is within your gates. 11 For min six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy."
It turns out that Luther's reformation was incomplete, due to the keeping of Sunday holy instead of Saturday. I understand that God works gently and gracefully to rectify mistakes, lest anyone be lost to error. I plead with you to reason with me and drop your guard. I mean you no harm.This subject makes people squirm in their chairs but look at it objectively. The seventh day of the week is Saturday. Well how do we know it is? we know this because the Jews always kept the sabbath and have never lost count of days till today. During the Exodus from Egypt, the Israelites ate the bread of Heaven; Manna rained from heaven , enough for each person such that those who took much didn't have too much and those who had little didn't have too little. On the eve of the sabbath, the Manna rained twice as much; enough for that day and the next, and on the sabbath, manna didn't rain from heaven(Exodus 16:1-35). That way, The Lord taught them to keep the Sabbath. They still keep it to this very day.
Well someone might argue that Paul the apostle said,"Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day"(Colossians 2:16). Well ladies and gentlemen, Paul was referring to the Now obsolete rituals and festivals such as the passover ,feasts,and slaughtering of lambs.Not THE SABBATH DAY! Paul HIMSELF KEPT THE SABBATH DAY HOLY...... So did Jesus, the twelve disciples and all the apostles, prophets and saints recorded in the Holy Book. People quote that verse out of context. In fact people quote Paul out of context and make him say what they want him to say.Scripture confirms scripture. Paul's style of writing was deep and needs spiritual discernment. SEE HEBREWS 4:1-11 below where PAUL CLARIFIES about THE SABBATH.I believe all the confusion is the work of Belial. In fact 2 Peter 3:16 says,"He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction."...
Isaiah 58:13-14 says,"If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and from doing as you please on my holy day, if you call the Sabbath a delight and the LORD's holy day honourable, and if you Honor it by not going your own way and not doing as you please or speaking idle words,then you will find your joy in the LORD, and I will cause you to ride in triumph on the heights of the land and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob." The mouth of the LORD has spoken."
No man Has the authority to change Gods law. All these changes happened when the Roman catholic church and Papacy came into power and persecuted many and changed times and laws to suit their own ends and desires. Daniel 7:25 says," He will speak against the Most High and oppress his holy people and try to change the set times and the laws. The holy people will be delivered into his hands for a time, times and half a time."
Brethren, I am a Seventh Day Adventist because this church has followed the straight and narrow path; and the gates of hades shall not and will not prevail against it.
A wise man once said the following...
"Some try to turn Christians into Sabbath keepers, while God is
working to turn some Sabbath keepers into Christians.The
Sabbath is forever as it points us to Jesus as our Creator and
Redeemer. The Sabbath is forever but Jesus is our goal; some with sound doctrine and others without."
Ill leave this article open for discussion and feel free to contribute. We are all Children of God and made in His image. Let us strive to be more and more like him every single day. I want you to ponder on Romans 10:4, (NRSV) which says,"For Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes." Let us not be mere hearers of the Law, but doers of it. May God's peace be upon you and may God bless you beloved.
Hebrews 4:1-11 KJV
[1] Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it. [2] For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it. [3] For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. [4] For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works. [5] And in this place again, If they shall enter into my rest. [6] Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein, and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief: [7] Again, he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time; as it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts. [8] For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day? [9] There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. [10] For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. [11] Let us labour i therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief. …
I'm a man hungry for the truth. In my early days in the faith, I was fed with spiritual milk; that is to say, I was taught the basics of God's love, the basis of our existence and where we are headed. I learnt a great deal as a new convert, and my walk is a spiralling staircase that moves ever upwards. The obstacles in my way are but stepping stones,not obstacles, that lie between me and my destination.Every man has his errors, But I take refuge in the Blood of Christ which was shed to save my kind. However, as time went by, my walk became much more complex, far beyond the early days. I started to notice that my spiritual appetites increased from merely wanting to live a godly life to wanting to tell others of this great treasure that I found in Christ Jesus.
As time went by, I started to feel a dilution of Gospel truths because there is much more to the gospel than being godly and successful; and this seemed to be all some people were interested in. I also noticed the good and the bad;what God has done in peoples lives and what Satan has done as well. I started to notice slight deviations in the gospels being preached by various churches. I couldn't bury my head in the soil. There was a stain on my conscience that avoidance could not cure. I then dug deeper and read my Bible even more. And I noticed the devil had managed to infiltrate some churches to some extent. I'm not saying that all non-Adventists are of the devil>>that is bigotry. Adventists aren't against people, but against instituted lies that enslave people. God has people in All denominations, but I believe that some have succumbed to deceptions described in 2 Timothy 4:3-4 which says,"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts they shall heap to themselves teachers,having itching ears; And they shall turn their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables" (KJV). The devil loves it when this happens, because he can now confidently argue with a non-believer and convince him that Christianity is a warped religion full of denominations and confusion(which I know to be a lie). I can tell you that the difference between these churches is how much Romanism they clung to and how much they let go of after the great reformation by Martin Luther and company. The Seventh day Adventist Church has let go of all the false teachings, including the worship on Sunday (which was changed from Saturday by the Roman catholic Church).
We live in an age of Mega churches. Where Pastors have deviated from speaking the whole truth to giving mere motivational pep talks that have everything to do with nothing. In an age where the signs of Christs inevitable return are blatant, we need a leadership that shall proclaim the Three Angels' Message in Revelations 14. Which says in Summary;
- Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His Judgement has come.
- Babylon is fallen.
- Don't worship the beast.
Let me break this down...
I may be ignorant but I don't know of any other Church that takes these prophesies and Christs return as seriously as the Seventh Day Adventists. I searched places and it is in this church that I found the whole truth being preached without fear or favour; without bias or inclination. Others seem to have shelved the books of prophecy because these topics are deemed 'too complicated' for their congregants; this is a lie because the Bible is written in a language that even the simplest of souls is able to understand. Some things however require spiritual discernment; and I thank God for giving wisdom in abundance to all who ask for it, without finding fault (James 1:5). So if you don't understand, ask! and it shall be given. Seek and you shall find. knock on the door and it shall be opened for you.(Matthew 7:7).
I may be ignorant but I don't know of any other Church that takes these prophesies and Christs return as seriously as the Seventh Day Adventists. I searched places and it is in this church that I found the whole truth being preached without fear or favour; without bias or inclination. Others seem to have shelved the books of prophecy because these topics are deemed 'too complicated' for their congregants; this is a lie because the Bible is written in a language that even the simplest of souls is able to understand. Some things however require spiritual discernment; and I thank God for giving wisdom in abundance to all who ask for it, without finding fault (James 1:5). So if you don't understand, ask! and it shall be given. Seek and you shall find. knock on the door and it shall be opened for you.(Matthew 7:7).
In these perilous times of war, famine, strife,depression,disease and death, we need to hear more of Christ's salvation and coming; that our suffering is not in vain. Brethren we need to hear the truth in this age of deception. We need to hear of God's pardoning grace in this age of sin; where souls long to be free of its power. We need to preach and teach what The Lord said, not some fancy,warped theological theory conjured from the mind of a man. Where souls ache and crave love and affection, they should be pointed to the Author of Love! Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We need to preach God's Holiness also. We need the truth beloved. ALL of it. That said, I must tell you that faith isn't foolishness. You,dear reader, need to THINK. You need to be rooted in the word of God and open your eyes. You need to analyse the inclination of the doctrines being taught in your church; whether it emphasises on worldly success or leans towards success in the eyes of heaven. Whether it says 'live your best life now' or 'carry your cross and follow Jesus'.
In Summary, here's EXACTLY why I'm an Adventist.
- We Discourage one-man shows.
I love the fact that we lack these Cult-of-personality figures such as Joel Osteen or T.D. Jakes, who's words are given more credit than the word of God by their congregations (and they sure know how to make you feel good). I know every market has a mad man, but the demographics are in favour of the Adventists. In these dark ages, we need to reach to peoples minds and not their emotions. We need to encourage people to think more than they feel, because feelings are as fleeting as the wind, yet thoughts become beliefs; beliefs become faith and faith yields actions, and actions become habits, and habits yield character, which when tested by strife, is solid and unwavering.
2. We aren't afraid to call sin by its name.
Cry aloud, spare a not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew b my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins(ISAIAH 58:1).The SDA church preaches the truth in love. If you truly love someone, I believe you'd tell him the truth rather than flatter him with sweet nothings. God disciplines those he loves. In fact, the very act of disciplining your children is a form of love. The Bible says,"..The Lord disciplines the one He loves, and he chastens the one He accepts as His son" Hebrews 12:6.
Ladies and gentlemen, God is Love. But we forget that God is just. God is Holy. I've been to churches where all people preach is God's love, with a biased inclination, and the effect of that is the misrepresentation of God as this big, fluffy teddy bear that just wants to kiss and hug. It reduces the Majesty and Glory of God. We must balance God's love with God's Holiness; God's Mercy with God's Justice. The Bible says,"But who can endure the day of His coming? Who can stand when He appears?For He will be like a refiners fire, or a launderer's soap" Malachi 3:2. In the presence of God's Glory, all darkness flees. Take note; it is the light that displaces the darkness, because the darkness is subject to the light; and the darkness is the absence of light. Because where there is darkness, there is fear and confusion. We have been called to be a light unto the world in this dark age (Matthew 5:14-16).
My great friend Ernest Wamboye once said," Don't shout at the darkness.Instead, be a light in that darkness and people will follow the light and glorify God." I agreed. I just wanted to add ISAIAH 58:1;that there are people in that darkness who are so entrenched there, they need shouting at. Because the devil is shouting aloud, we may as well stop whispering the truth and shout it. We need to proclaim the Gospel clearly and aloud like the Angels in Revelations 14 because there are many false leads. The devil also transforms himself into an angel of light, and we need to identify these false leads when we see them so we may stop people from heading the wrong direction; that is the basis for pointing out falsehood within the church; not because we enjoy fault-finding, but because we want people to follow the real light of the world which is Jesus Christ.
3. The SDA Church has ALL the Hallmarks of the Remnant Church described in Revelations.
Yes. I said it. To summarize what I mean by this, please watch the following sermon. Here is the link
Well, Just in case you couldn't go through it all, let me explain.
Regarding the three angels' messages typed above from Revelations chapter 14, I would like you to remember that this world is coming to an end;much sooner than we think. I'm not one of those dooms-day fanatics who try to predict the worlds end with mathematical specificity, because we all know what the Bible says. No one knows the day or the hour; neither the angels in heaven nor the son, but only the Father (Matthew 24:36). That said, Jesus did give us The signs of the end times in Matthew 24:3-14. Wars and rumours of wars, famines, earthquakes, nations rising against nations, persecution of saints and hatred of them because of their testimonies, false prophets,betrayal and deviations from the true faith have already happened and are happening before our very eyes. As a christian, it would be extremely diabolical to ignore this truth.
What should capture your attention is verse 14 which says,"And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, then the end will come."…
The Adventist Church has gone out to the ends of the world to preach the gospel; to every Kindred, tongue and Nation! ADRA has done so much and has partnered with so many organisations to bring relief to the suffering. The SDA church has ministered to the broken hearted, the sick, the dying, the hungry, the downtrodden, the motherless, the fatherless, the prostitute>>> to each and every group imaginable; and guess what, We are just beginning! This missionary work must be undertaken by the church during the last days.
Revelations 14:12 says,"Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the Faith of Jesus."So the remnant Church shall Honor the ten commandments. Revelations 19:10 says,"...For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” (NASB). Beloved, I firmly believe this gift of prophecy was evidenced in the life of a woman called Ellen G.White, a reformer during the late 1800's, just as Martin Luther was during the great reformation. I know how controversial it is when someone states they have the gift of prophecy, but my Bible tells me in Acts 2:17,"In the last days,God says, I will pour out my spirit on all people. your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams."(also Joel 2:28)… that is clear. But someone may ask,"how will you know she wasn't a false prophet?" well the answer to that question is simple. Matthew 7:16 says,"By their fruit you will recognise them(false teachers). Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?." Brethren, a good tree produces good fruit. Her life, her marriage and her children are a testimony of her good fruits. She was blameless(not sinless) and needed the Cross just as you and I did. All she ever taught came straight from The Bible. Her visions and experience however are NOT a substitute for the Bible, but merely a supplement to explain the bible in a deeper perspective. It is my belief that God raises up people for great campaigns against falsehood. People like Martin Luther, Wesley and White. All we must do as the congregation is watch and see if any new doctrine is rooted in the word of God. The Holy Bible is the standard.
Well ladies and gentlemen, the book of Revelations has a lot to say, but I can tell you confidently that Christ's Remnant church is the one that is awake and watching for his return. It is The church that keeps the ten commandments, evidenced in Revelations 12:17 which says,"Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring--those who keep God's commandments and hold fast their testimony about Jesus."… Ladies and gentlemen, God's remnant church is the one that keeps his Law. Someone may brand it legalism, or fanaticism. Someone may even call it salvation by works, but let me clear the air; this brings us to the next contentious issue which is the Sabbath.
The Sabbath.
"So whats the big deal anyway? its just a day"…someone once muttered. Well my dear beloved reader, it is a big deal. You see ever since the creation of man, the devil has waged war against God's righteousness, which is embodied in God's LAW. Ever since Satan got the ambition to replace The Most High, he tried to pervert Gods laws and making opposites and counterfeits. That's why keeping God's law is such a big deal.Moses |
Ellen G.White and a group of reformers noticed something fishy. Ever since the great reformation the previous century, many churches had mushroomed. And the Protestant movement had done well to shun heresies, but had forgotten one very important thing, THE DAY OF WORSHIP, In Keeping with the fourth commandment in Exodus 20:8-11 which says,"8 i“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 jSix days you shall labour, and do all your work, 10 but the kseventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the lsojourner who is within your gates. 11 For min six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy."
It turns out that Luther's reformation was incomplete, due to the keeping of Sunday holy instead of Saturday. I understand that God works gently and gracefully to rectify mistakes, lest anyone be lost to error. I plead with you to reason with me and drop your guard. I mean you no harm.This subject makes people squirm in their chairs but look at it objectively. The seventh day of the week is Saturday. Well how do we know it is? we know this because the Jews always kept the sabbath and have never lost count of days till today. During the Exodus from Egypt, the Israelites ate the bread of Heaven; Manna rained from heaven , enough for each person such that those who took much didn't have too much and those who had little didn't have too little. On the eve of the sabbath, the Manna rained twice as much; enough for that day and the next, and on the sabbath, manna didn't rain from heaven(Exodus 16:1-35). That way, The Lord taught them to keep the Sabbath. They still keep it to this very day.
Well someone might argue that Paul the apostle said,"Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day"(Colossians 2:16). Well ladies and gentlemen, Paul was referring to the Now obsolete rituals and festivals such as the passover ,feasts,and slaughtering of lambs.Not THE SABBATH DAY! Paul HIMSELF KEPT THE SABBATH DAY HOLY...... So did Jesus, the twelve disciples and all the apostles, prophets and saints recorded in the Holy Book. People quote that verse out of context. In fact people quote Paul out of context and make him say what they want him to say.Scripture confirms scripture. Paul's style of writing was deep and needs spiritual discernment. SEE HEBREWS 4:1-11 below where PAUL CLARIFIES about THE SABBATH.I believe all the confusion is the work of Belial. In fact 2 Peter 3:16 says,"He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction."...
Isaiah 58:13-14 says,"If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and from doing as you please on my holy day, if you call the Sabbath a delight and the LORD's holy day honourable, and if you Honor it by not going your own way and not doing as you please or speaking idle words,then you will find your joy in the LORD, and I will cause you to ride in triumph on the heights of the land and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob." The mouth of the LORD has spoken."
No man Has the authority to change Gods law. All these changes happened when the Roman catholic church and Papacy came into power and persecuted many and changed times and laws to suit their own ends and desires. Daniel 7:25 says," He will speak against the Most High and oppress his holy people and try to change the set times and the laws. The holy people will be delivered into his hands for a time, times and half a time."
Brethren, I am a Seventh Day Adventist because this church has followed the straight and narrow path; and the gates of hades shall not and will not prevail against it.
A wise man once said the following...
"Some try to turn Christians into Sabbath keepers, while God is
working to turn some Sabbath keepers into Christians.The
Sabbath is forever as it points us to Jesus as our Creator and
Redeemer. The Sabbath is forever but Jesus is our goal; some with sound doctrine and others without."
Ill leave this article open for discussion and feel free to contribute. We are all Children of God and made in His image. Let us strive to be more and more like him every single day. I want you to ponder on Romans 10:4, (NRSV) which says,"For Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes." Let us not be mere hearers of the Law, but doers of it. May God's peace be upon you and may God bless you beloved.