Monday, 17 March 2014

HOMOSEXUALITY: where do you stand?

Homosexuality: why should I care?

Lot has been said, published and researched about this topic and I have a feeling we'd never reach the proverbial silver bottom of the well, or catch the proverbial elves  hoarding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.There's simply too much to say. It is a topic that has generally divided people into three camps, each putting forth the following arguments:

1. " All Homosexuals will BURN IN HELL! LETS KILL EM!!!"

2. "Who cares what people do in their bedroom?that's their business. let them be free."
3. "We cant have legislative solutions to a moral problem"(whilst folding hands).

If you fall into any of these four groups, then your in the right place, and I'm glad you're reading this. Please remember that this article is not meant to offend anyone; Its intention is not to single out, ridicule or embarrass anyone: Its intention is to give you a Biblical perspective on this matter, particularly in a time when the devil is at full throttle with his mission to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). With the world spinning the wrong direction, we seem to be getting more and more tolerant to corruption to the point we've become numb to the events around us. I don't know about you, but NOTHING surprises me any more. I feel a sense of urgency due to the indifference I've seen in people regarding this issue; its either people don't care, people don't see how it affects them, or people are using the opportunity to derive entertainment by picking up their torches and joining the lynch mob. I am a Christian- If that offends you, please worry about offending God; I'm not a narcissist that enjoys offending people.NO; But for the sake of the truth Id hurt anyone, even myself, even if it means amputating my limbs without anaesthesia I'd do it. There's a Swahili proverb that says "Msema kweli hapendezi" ( the person saying the truth is unpleasant).I live in Mombasa, Kenya.I once tried to engage a church elder in conversation, how my generation is facing challenges especially in matters of identity, sexuality and ambition: we talked at length but on the topic of sexuality, he didn't have much to say either because HE GENUINELY HAD NOTHING TO SAY, or he just thought it awkward.The church I attend has some severe hard-liners who wouldn't even mention this topic to the congregation; I understand them and the background they each came from, but I disagree with their silence. So Ill address everyone in each of the camps above, and I shall attempt to draw the battle line. thereafter ill show you which side inevitably "wins", and finally, the side that shall survive when God comes back.

1. "All Homosexuals will burn in Hell!!!"

If you fall into this group, Id like to address you first because in your attempts to voice your concerns, you got carried away by the euphoria of the crowd, and your campaign progressively morphed into a chant screaming "Crucify them! Kill them all!!"--condemnation. The Bible says do not judge,and Ill quote it for you. Matthew 7:1-2; (N.I.V) "Do not judge or you too will be judged. For in the same way as you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you" also remember Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God." John 3:17"For Christ came not to condemn the world but to redeem it." It is God who is the righteous judge.Only God knows the complexities surrounding each homosexual and the identity battles raging in each and every one of those poor souls.Am I endorsing homosexuality? NO I'm not. However, a preacher in an interview was asked,

 "Will Homosexuality take you to hell?" 

  In reply He said,

"Well, Heterosexuality wont get you to Heaven"... 

I found it humorous yet witty because with that response, he set the foundation for this pertinent question- WHO WILL GO TO HEAVEN AND WHO WONT?(Ill answer this question at the end of this article). People have hijacked this furore against gays as an avenue to gain some kind of righteousness; as though they'd be given "righteous points" on some virtual score card and everyone is trying to beat the "high score". That in itself is sinful, because the Bible says and I quote,
"Be careful not to do your righteous acts before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your father in heaven"- Matthew 6:1(N.I.V). 
Stop trying to show everyone how righteous you are. So put out your torches ye that belong to the lynch mob and pick up a Bible, and if you're going to make noise, let it be constructive and convincing, devoid of a condemnatory demeanour. You may be right that the act is evil, but you need to be methodical in your approach, lest your attempts be futile. 

YOU DON'T HAVE TO SUFFER INTERNALLY; you don't have to battle your own biology; you don't have to feel sexually misplaced; you don't have to feel stigmatized or condemned. Christ won that battle for you on the cross- He was crucified so that you don't have to be crucified. But you must want out of homosexuality and recognize it as a sin, just as adultery, or theft, or murder, or bearing false witness. Christ will give you the victory to overcome your struggle if you let Him in!!! It is for that very reason that He came here. Jesus himself says and I quote; "It is not the healthy who need a doctor but the sick... For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." Matthew 9:12-13.
 If you think its impossible to overcome the battle, read about this guy.

He was in it for thirty years and Christ got him out. He testifies to the truth of the statements "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13 and "We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us" Romans 8:37.
I'm sure there's someone out there asking "why should I change who I am? its consensual anyway." Truth is its not who you are. When you perpetually defile the human body, your soul starts to wear out; and the physical manifestations are but a belated announcement of an earlier decay of the spirit. God desires to take you out of the habit, but human obstinacy grieves Him. Romans 1:24 "Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another." verse 26 "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for  unnatural ones. In the same way men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with LUST for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion." 
This is a tip of the iceberg of what the Bible says about homosexuality. God detests it, just like any other sin. I wrote the word LUST in capital letters to highlight one thing.>> The Bible defines sexual feelings towards someone of the same sex as LUST and not LOVE. So whether the feelings are consensual or not, its not love that your feeling, its lust. Is it possible to love someone of the same sex? Yes it is. I love my father and my two brothers. I also love my male friends very much. David loved Jonathan. Ruth loved Naomi. Ain't nothing wrong with that. But as the media continues to corrupt the definition of the word love through poisonous soap operas, television programs etc, I have to use that word more selectively.I feel constraint because of political correctness. Every human being has a right to be free and happy; but the right to happiness is not the right to immorality. Your argument may have facts( even episodes of homosexuals in history) but the truth is more important than facts. So what if there were African princes that did it? does that make it right? does it make it normal because it was done in the past? murders occurred in the past as well; does that make murder okay today? in fact in history utterly condemned homosexuality, even by hanging       ( look up the American constitution and how General George Washington and his friends interpreted it ). But as our society continues in its decadent downward spiral, what was once obscene is now acceptable, and we've become numb to the truth; but to our own destruction.If you're reading this and you're offended, please worry about offending God. Remember repentance paves the way for reform.Do not reject the truth; it is life-giving.

2. "Who cares what people do in their bedroom?that's their business. let them be free."

What people do within the privacy of their bedrooms is their business. WRONG!>>> IF ITS MY 16 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER YOU BET ITS MY BUSINESS!!! God forbid if its my son in there with another man.TRUST ME IT WOULD BE MY BUSINESS!!! but that's just me. How we nurture our children is pivotal in determining what kind of parents or individuals they will be. Nurture determines nature.As for freedom to do as you please, there's something called political correctness and people are no longer free to express themselves. The gay community wants to be free and enjoy the benefits of heterosexual married couples, but when we voice concerns its called a HATE CRIME. In places like Canada; it is prosecutable to speak out against homosexuality; isn't that an infringement on the freedom of speech? It has been equated to speaking out against a race, or a minority of people. That is just plain unfair. There is deep political espionage as the gay community has made their movement seem like the Civil Rights movement of the 1960's; therefore being against it makes you look like your against 'love' when in essence you are against lust. So what they have done is made the anti-gay activist look like a racist or a terrorist or some Nazi. That is sinful in itself. The media has not helped the situation either. Almost every popular television series has that gay couple or some subliminal undertones that endorse their campaign; we may not realize the profound effect that has but its normalized the issue, so much that it affects politics; like Francois Hollande won and the gay community backed him as he promised to further their agendas. Sadly the people of France later on took to the streets in the THOUSANDS to protest of the breakdown of the family as their parliament voted for the legalization of gay marriage. It shows you something--- YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A CHRISTIAN TO KNOW WHAT IS RIGHT AND WHAT IS WRONG. Some things are self evident, and nature testifies to that fact. the pictures below should shock you at how much outrage there is against this, even in the very countries considered to be morally permissive.
You can visit the following site for more information: reuters
People wave trademark pink. blue and white flags during a protest march called, 'La Manif pour Tous' (Demonstration for All) against France's legalisation of same-sex marriage and to show their support of traditional family values, in Paris February 2, 2014. REUTERS-Benoit Tessier
(courtesy of Reuters)

So should we sit down and be quiet as the Family is dissected and redefined for us? NO. It was and should always be dad, mum and children. Never should it be Dad, dad and children, or Mum, mum and children. Even for the single parents, the same principle applies. I pray that God may have mercy on those children raised by gay parents. Like ionizing radiation that produces mutations in animals and humans, so shall this legalization of gay marriages produce moral mutations that we may not be able to describe a hundred years down the line.With the legalization of gay marriage, what's to stop two brothers from getting married? or two sisters? or a son to his mother?> after all, they love each other... Here we are Legislating a moral issue, which brings us to the final group that says:

3. "We cant have legislative solutions to a moral problem"(whilst folding hands).

If this is your mindset, Id like to ask; Should we then take a moral problem and have it Legislated???...I want to reveal something rather shocking. HOMOSEXUALS ARE  NOT AS MANY IN NUMBER AS PURPORTED(real statistics) They are 1-3% of the worlds population as opposed to the 25% they want us to believe, and yet, this highly vocal and militant minority has held the whole world captive to their demands. By assuming the sick-role, the gay community has harnessed the worlds sympathy as the fuel that will stoke the fires of their desires. That is the textbook definition of MANIPULATION. Its like intellectual neurosurgery where our thoughts are being transplanted; and the media is the anaesthesia. There are several times in history when the world was filled with so much perversion but only a handful prompted God to destroy That generation.

I can not fail to mention the events that transpired in Sodom and Gomorrah, which were destroyed for their great wickedness and sexual perversion. The story is found in Genesis 18-19. The Bible says that before God rained fire and brimstone on those two cities, He sought if he could find at least 50 righteous people in that town that hadn't turned to homosexuality.If He found 50 He wouldn't destroy it. He did not. In His infinite grace he bargained that number all the way down to ten; and He still could not find ten righteous people. But He found one person called Lot, and God sent His angels to get him and his family out of there. To depict the gravity of these towns wickedness, the citizens demanded to have sex with those angels. Every man in that town from the youngest to the oldest surrounded Lot's house. He offered them his daughters but they refused! they wanted those men that were his visitors. As the crowd grew more lustful and attempted to break in, the angels struck them with blindness such that they could not find the door; so inflamed with lust was the crowd that even in their blindness, they groped about Lot's house trying to find entry. Lot finally made it out, but his wife, overwhelmed by the thought of loosing her material possessions, loved Sodom more than she did her life. She defied the angels orders not to look back and when she did, she turned into a pillar of salt.... We cannot ignore these events and forge forward with complacency. We can only offend God so much before sudden destruction comes upon this world.

Gay clergy
Knowing what God thinks of homosexuality, I find it outrageous that a church would ordain gay bishops, priests and clergy. If you do belong to such a church then I'm afraid there is a huge conflict of principles. You cannot call yourself a Bible church and ordain gay clergy. Am I surprised at what is happpening?Not really. Outraged perhaps but not surprised because the Bible prophesied such events and I quote, "For a time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine.Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths." 2 Timothy 4:3-4.
Martin Luther( a reformist and one of the founders of the Lutheran Church) would convulse in his grave if he heard what the church he started is condoning. YES. The Lutheran Church ordained gay clergy. This is an announcement to the world that the avenues of perversion are now open, even in the church. A time will come when pastors will get sued for refusing to wed a gay couple. The institution of marriage is called Holy Matrimony; and now it is not so Holy. God can neither unite man to man nor woman to woman to yield one flesh (a child, which is a product of that union); only the union of man and woman can do that. (Genesis 2:24). I hope you can see where this is all going.

The Bible says in Luke 17:26-30 "Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man. People were eating,drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. THEN the flood came and destroyed them all."  It seems to me that the straw that broke the camels back was "marrying and being given in marriage." It was then, and it will be with our generation. A society that does not place limits on its pleasures and appetites inevitably destroys itself. The Roman empire is but an example-- and before their destruction, historians state that the men had lost their masculinity. Ladies and Gentlemen, we are living at the precipice. We are right on the edge and certain crucial events of prophetic significance from the Bible are unfolding before our eyes.

Who inevitably wins this battle?

The Gay community. They'll get what they want. Some events have to happen before this world comes to its inevitable end.

So who is going to heaven?

Matthew 7:21 "Not everyone who says to me 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, BUT ONLY HE WHO DOES THE WILL OF MY FATHER"..... God's will on the matter is crystal clear. It is Gods desire to have every single soul saved and in his loving arms, but we must choose to love Him more than we do our vices and opinions. If theres anything I'd like you to take home, its this- "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it" Matthew 7:13.

Let us take a stand for the truth, and the Truth shall set us free...